Valentine's Day Specials

Valentine's Day Specials
email to order treats :-)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I braved the storm and went to buy baking supplies anyways,

Hello to anyone out there. ( I wonder who is actually reading this blog??)

So, it has been raining this whole week and it had been getting worse as the days go by. Other than going to work and seeing Cortney, I have not done much al week..Today I decided to brave the storm and go to the store, it was not bad when I first when out but then after spending nearly an hour at Michaels, it began to down pour, of course my umbrella was in the car!

Well with that said, I bought another brownie pop mold because it was on sale, it would have been a better deal if I could use the 50% off coupon they have me but the policy does not let you use it if the item is on sale already, POO on them! I also bought some fondant writting pens so I can decorate my pink chocolate hearts that I'm preparing for my Valentine's day brownie bites. I hope it works out, I have not truely mastered the art of wrting with frosting.Wish me luck.

If you want to make some brownie bites, its very easy!! You can even use box mix if you wish. All you do is take a mini cupcake pan, grease it, take your favorite brownie batter and fill up the little cups. When then are ready and cooled, pop them out and flip them over. Decorate the top (which is technically the bottom) with frosting (I'm using pink) and add sprinkles or top them with chocolate hearts, like I am.


That's all for now, I have to brave the storm and get to work.

Pictures and more to come tonight of the finished product :-)

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